
The success of the experiment was the 11ft height of the foam spray that the soda and mentos produced. We were also able to have consistent time constraints with all of the tests, the height of the spray depended on the soda and number of mentos. This experiment was successful because we were able to find a function of x that fit the data collected almost perfectly, and that was the purpose of our project.

A failure we had was putting the mentos into the soda after we opened the bottle. (That is, to aquire the maximum height without losing the gas in the unopened bottle.) Originally we took a piece of paper, rolled it to have a diameter that would fit into the opening of the soda bottle. However, during our first test the cylinder we used became wet, which made it hard for the next set of mentos to swiftly fall into the soda, changing the reactions of the second and fourth tests. (Only some of the mentos made it into the bottle; however, it did not compromise the data, it only made the foam height less.)

If we could do this over again our group would probably use all Diet Coke and Mentos. Instead of testing brand name sodas, we would just use the real Diet Coke. We would also use new funnels every time, and add a few more mentos for extra height on the foam spray.

Overall our experiment was successful. We have data that is consistent in all trials, and the quartic regression fit nearly perfect to the data, deeming the reaction a quartic graph.